The press team at Cheltenham Festivals can help arrange interviews with any of our speakers and performers, discuss on site photography and filming, and arrange Festival promotions and competitions. 

Press FAQs

Who can apply for press tickets?

Members of the press are welcome to all of our Festivals. To attend a Festival as an accredited member of the press, accreditation must be granted in advance of the Festival. To apply for accreditation, please click the 'Apply for Accreditation' form below.

When completing the form, please share as much information as you can about how you intend to cover the Festival in your media outlet. All applications are subject to ticket availability and Press Office approval. Someone from the Press Office will be in touch to confirm whether or not your application has been successful.

Are press photographers welcome?

Professional photographers are welcome at all of our Festivals, but numbers are strictly limited to ensure the audience experience is not compromised. Photographers are not allowed to take photographs on the Festival site without appropriate accreditation. To request accreditation, please click the 'Apply for Accreditation' button below and give details of what you would like to photograph.

Accredited photography on site is subject to Festival guidelines.

Are Festival photographs available?

Yes. High resolution images of our Festival participants are available, as are general Festival site shots. You can find images here.

Can I arrange interviews with Festival participants?

Yes. All requests to interview Festival speakers, performers or staff must be arranged via the Press Office. Please contact us at with details of your interview requests.

Can I film or record events?

All on-site filming or recording must be agreed with the Press Office in advance of the Festival. Videographers are not allowed to film on the Festival site without appropriate accreditation. To request accreditation, please click the ‘Apply for Accreditation’ button below and give details of what you would like to film.

Accredited filming on site is subject to Festival guidelines.